
Thursday, August 5, 2010

What A Year This Has Been

WOW.. time truly does fly. I have not been able to craft anything in almost a year.. (GASP, CLANK) (sound of several hard core crafters hitting the floor.. LOL) This past year has been very hard mentally for my family. We lost my mom and I just have not had the energy to even think about crafting.. Now that fall is approaching I can feel myself start to come alive again. My mom LOVED the fall. It was her favorite time of the year. She would always visit and we would sit in the craft room with coffee and dream of our next craft project.. I miss that.. I miss her.. but I know that she is watching me from above.. (probably telling Saint Peter that she would have used a different color stickle for that paper).... Its time now to get back into the things I love. Family, Scrapping, Crafting... and to realize that its o.k. to be happy again. Thats what mom's want for us...



Sorry to hear about your loss, it will get easier with time. Hang in there and it is ok to be happy again

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